Wow, what a year 2014 has been! I completed my 6th consequtive Two Oceans Marathon, my 4th Comrades and my very first trail race, which was the iconic Three Peaks Challenge.


Always a treat: a beer after a long run; Two Oceans 2014


You can tell from the top my wife is wearing: It was warm!

Comrades 2014: You can tell from the top my wife is wearing: It was warm!


The iconic three peaks challenge

For the first time I ran for a charity (Pink Drive) at Comrades and collected quite some money for this very important cause of breast cancer awareness and early detection.

I also had my first encounter with an MRI and quite some stressful times where I was forced to have a running break due to injuries. But everything went well, and I am grateful for being able to run and exercise at all.


Getting ready for my MRI

We might take it as a given, being able to run and exercise, but so much is based on luck, like being healthy or not getting severely injured forcing you to stop exercising.

20141231 Monthly Running

Monthly distances (yellow = running, green = cycling)

A few figures from my 2014 year in running:

Training sessions 156
Races completed 10
Annual distance covered (running) 2,658.8 km / 1,658,8 mi
Annual distance covered (cycling) 151.2 km / 94.0 mi
Gym sessions 34
Runs with distance of 30 km and more 25
Weeks without running due to injuries 4
New pairs of shoes bought 3
Pairs of shoes given to charity 2

List of races in 2014:

  1. Bay 2 Bay (30 km)
  2. Red Hill Marathon (42.2 km)
  3. Peninsula Marathon (42.2 km)
  4. Two Oceans Ultra Marathon (56 km)
  5. Comrades Ultra Marathon (89.2 km)
  6. Stuttgart Half Marathon (21.1 km)
  7. John Korasie (30 km)
  8. Gun Run Half Marathon, Helpers Run (21.1. km)
  9. Three Peaks Challenge (50 km Trail)
  10. Gugulethu Reconciliation Run (10 km)

Overview of my annual distance since 2008

2008-2014 annual distance

Annual running distance (in km) 2008 – 2014

I am looking forward to a promosing 2015 where I hope to complete my 7th Two Oceans, my 5th Comrades (collecting again for Pink Drive), cycle the Cape Argus Cycletour, participate in a two day trail run and a couple of Marathons and shorter distances.