
Medication for the next 5 days

One week back I was worried when I visited Dr. Karen Schwabe. She sent me to  an MRI scan, which was done two days later.

While waiting for the report (which took 3 days) I made up my own mind, based on the scans I received. My interpretation: Not too bad.

Today I saw her again. The MRI report is here – and it is a good one.

I suffer from two injuries, a periostidis of my left shin (Wikipedia: “is a medical condition caused by inflammation of the periosteum, a layer of connective tissue that surrounds bone”) and an inflammation of the tibialis anterior (Wikipedia: “a muscle that originates in the upper two-thirds of the lateral (outside) surface of the tibia (shin)”) .

It means: I have an inflammation of the tissue around the shin bone and an inflammation of a muscle on the outside of the shin.
And it’s NO bone stress and most importantly NO stress fracture.

It’s very good news!

At today’s consultation the swelling was almost completely gone.

Now I am going to take some medication against the inflammation, and I might continue cycling with even higher intensity.

The best thing:

I can start running again as from the weekend!!!


Short distances like 3 km on a soft surface, like trails. That’s fine.

Dr. Schwabe wished me well for the Comrades on June 1st. I am allowed to participate.

I am over the moon!!!